Treasurer- Yeonkyung Kim

My name is Yeonkyung Kim and the current treasurer of I.A.K. I am a Seoulite born and raised. I discovered about Ireland and Irish culture through friends who had visited the country on numerous occasions and fell in love with everything Irish.
My curiosity piqued and I first became involved in the I.A.K. as a volunteer at St.Patrick’s day graduating most recently to my new position as Treasurer. The I.A.K offers me the opportunity to meet like-minded people, make new friends, and enjoy Irish culture in Korea. Most recently I have taken up Ceili dancing and enjoy it thoroughly.
If you want to gain experience Irish culture and make new friends then I recommend volunteering with the I.A.K. I look forward to seeing and working with new people. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at

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The Irish Association of Korea's aim is to highlight and promote Irish culture in Korea